Britt, Hoard, Stevens, Williamson
Installations by Tyler Britt, Wiley Hoard, Leroy Stevens and Videos by Lisa Williamson
The common thread binding the work of Tyler Britt, Wiley Hoard, Leroy Stevens, and Lisa Williamson is a sense rough- hewn materiality that begs into question the precious character of fine art objects. Britt directly employs mass produced construction materials in his sculptural works that are bound as a primitive drum or provide nesting for hand carved spears. The tension of modern technology relating to overtly simple hand construction follows through into the work of Hoard, whose paper mache- like cake head bangs to self-produced synthetic rhythms. Cultural signifiers such as this are utilized as other tools on this worksite as iconic Kurt Cobain sways in the wind from a propped ladder. Williamson’s videos cast the artist as material as she finds ways to occupy space and time with little else than a gorilla mask, ladder, or a stretched t-shirt. Even in a more fanciful setting of geometry and chords, Williamson returns to gesticulate the attention back to the movements of the body as fundamental media. Stevens too, turns the camera on himself or the exhibition itself to produce images that a seemingly simple cardboard box may or may not relate to. The spaces in between are traced and recorded while the edges are left undisturbed to reveal the base nature of what things are made of.