Brown River curated by Albert Stabler
Works by John Bellows, Noah Berlatsky/Bert Stabler, EC Brown, Ryan Christian, Dan Gleason, Zinsu Han, Terence Hannum, Taylor Hokanson, Keith Herzik, Paul Mack, Paul Mullins, Paul Nudd, Ilana Percher/Pilar Tema, Frank Pollard, Chris Santiago, Matthew Steinke, Alexander Stewart, Jim Trainor, Kyrie Valtair.
In America, swamps are places where many of our major cities rise and sink, a lush, bucolic back-country from whose placid but uncertain surface bubbles up, every so often, the toxic stench of historical cruelty and neglect. This secretive cespool of moss, rust, mud, blood, and blackface has been heralded in song by none so iconically as John Fogerty, a guy from California who did not sully his romantic vision by wandering into an actual bayou until well after his royalty flow had eclipsed his obscene creative trickle. The “Brown River” artists will be showing work that refers to swamps, Fogerty, and/or evokes any facet of the perverse gem that is America’s fantasy of repugnant authenticity.