R×t±b≅B×t±a: Sungho Bae and Rob Sohmer
Opening Friday, March 14th 6–9pmSungho Bae and Rob Sohmer are showing artworks made individually, and collectively. The artworks engage with collecting, accumulating, hoarding, and classifying. The works in the show include objects that:
Were trash, are being recycled, will be forgotten
Were reclaimed, are rejected, will disintegrate
Were someone else’s obsession, are recontextualized, will be deployed
Were treasured, are ironized, will annoy
Were re-abandoned, are rebuilt, won’t be recycled
Were dislocated, are ordered, will be packed away
Were pulled off the shelf, are deputized, will be neutralized
Sungho Bae reinterprets the visual domain, exploring images as mediators and consumption as a strategic act. His practice navigates the mechanisms of image-making and the ways individuals process visual data, blurring the line between accumulation and transformation. By repurposing collected imagery, he reveals the symbiotic yet dissonant relationship between their visual status and contextual structure while exposing the fluid boundaries between desire, value, and excess.
Rob Sohmer is an artist whose artworks operate as responses; each artwork is a reflection of another artwork, place, possibility, feeling, moment, position, trope, attempt or choice. Through this approach he merges his artwork and the referent, therefore neutralizing the presence of both— when you fill the cup up all the way, it isn’t a cup anymore. His goal is to make artworks that refer to all possible presences, one object at a time.